As we get ready to screen James Whale’s FRANKENSTEIN at the launch of our #QueerHorrorNights, I thought I’d turn my queer eye to the film’s enduring legacy. This new Body Parts mixtape does just that, offering a daily dose of the films that came after James Whale’s subversive, queer masterpiece. Of course, not everything will be stitched together so beautifully…
Let me know the Frankenstein films you love @tokenhomo & check back here for updates.

FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN (dir: Paul Morrissey, 1973 USA / 1h 35m)
In brief: One line of dialogue says it all: “To know death, Otto, you have to fuck life… in the gall bladder!”. For once, a film that fully delivers on its promises, which will probably dictate whether or not FLESH FOR FRANKENSTEIN is for you…

MARY SHELLEY’S FRANKENSTEIN (dir: Kenneth Branagh, 1994 USA / 2h 3m).
In brief: As if the lunatics of Bedlam have staged an amateur theatrical production of Mary Shelley’s masterpiece novel after seeing James Whale’s remarkable films… Hysterical, and not in a good way…