ENCORE!!! – THE EVIL DEAD from VHS at Genesis Cinema (Weds 03 July 2024)
THE EVIL DEAD (1981) from vintage VHS
- Director: Sam Raimi
- Cast: Bruce Campbell, Ellen Sandweiss, Richard DeManincor (as Hal Delrich), Betsy Baker
- 1981 | Film: 85mins | USA | From VHS without Subtitles | Event: 20:45 – 23:10 [18+]
Whilst holidaying in the Tennessee woodlands, five innocent teenagers unwittingly unleash the spirit of the evil dead.
THE EVIL DEAD (1981) was our fastest ever selling show when it launched BAR TRASH Season 6, a celebration of 1980s video culture. We simply had to bring it back for an encore…
One of the most successful start-ups in film history, THE EVIL DEAD was the meticulously planned debut from a prodigiously talented group of young filmmakers looking to kickstart their careers. Dismissed by some contemporary critics as ‘opportunistic’, THE EVIL DEAD dragged horror kicking and screaming into another dimension, unleashing one of the most startlingly original rollercoaster rides in horror cinema.
We’re showing THE EVIL DEAD from a vintage, pre-certificate VHS tape from Token Homo’s private collection. This is the legendary 1983 Palace Video release that was banned after the ‘Video Nasties’ hysteria and The Video Recordings Act 1984. The film was deemed the pre-eminent ‘video nasty’ by campaigners, even after Sam Raimi & Co won a legal case defending the film against accusations of ‘obscenity’.
The original UK home video release of THE EVIL DEAD features 49 seconds of cuts, and is the same version that was rated ‘X’ for cinemas. History-making horror, it was this edited version of THE EVIL DEAD that spawned the film’s global success after it failed to get a release in the USA.
Polite notice: THE EVIL DEAD contains graphic scenes of violence and sexual assault. Our Bar Trash VHS titles do not have subtitles or captions and may encounter technical problems during playback (we have backup discs if needed).
/// BAR TRASH is a celebration of cult and curious cinema, hosted by queer film fanatic, Token Homo. Films are served with themed drinks, introductions, intermissions, prize giveaways, and subtitles/captions where possible. Tickets from £3. Adults 18+ only. ///