ENCORE!!! – ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES at Genesis Cinema (Weds 28 August 2024)
- Director: Mike Stanley
- Cast: Robert Nolfi, Julia Rust, Robert Lengyel, Lisa Pak
- 1985 | Film: 80mins | USA | No Subtitles | Event: 20:45 – 23:10 [18+]
A lifeboat of shipwrecked survivors from a luxury ocean liner lands on a beach. But the island may not be as deserted as it seems…
BAR TRASH audiences loved Stuart Gordon’s miniature masterpiece DOLLS (1986) back in season 6, so I’m unleashing another batch of killer puppets… but these ones couldn’t be more different. If watching DOLLS was like riding an old ghost train, ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES (1985) is an outrageous sideshow exhibit, gnawing away at your reality until nothing’s left.
ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES is a relentless, made for no-money creature feature that involves a cast of amateur actors running through woodland whilst being savagely attacked by diminutive indigenous dolls. They also discover the river water will melt your face right off…
“A beloved regional horror vortex that was conjured in Connecticut, ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES is a triumph of low budget ingenuity… Fuelled by outrageous gore, a sublime synthesiser score, and jaw-dropping puppet effects, this is what happens when mid-century creature feature combines with DIY surrealism and everyone wins.” AGFA
Polite notice: We are showing ATTACK OF THE BEAST CREATURES without subtitles from the best available digital source. This is a rescheduled screening after the Euros.
/// BAR TRASH is a celebration of cult and curious cinema, hosted by queer film fanatic, Token Homo. Films are served with themed drinks, introductions, intermissions, prize giveaways, and subtitles/captions where possible. Tickets from £3. Adults 18+ only. ///